January 2016 Students of the Month
Mackenzie Guerin is a junior from Winthrop High School enrolled in the Certified Nursing Assistant program. She has enjoyed the small class size and the opportunities to help people in her clinical experiences at Maine Veteran’s Home and Augusta Rehabilitation Center. Her instructor, Ms. Bethany Sherman states, “Mackenzie is great student and will make a great addition to the medical field.” When she is not in school, Mackenzie is working at China Empress or gearing up for competitions with the Diamond Cheer Athletics team. In the future, Mackenzie plans on pursuing further education and entering the natural medicine field.
Andrew Coulombe is a senior from Maranacook Community High School enrolled in the Automotive Technology program for the 2nd year. He likes the program because it has given him the opportunity to do real life work with his hands. He recently won the SkillsUSA Auto Service Technician competition at CATC and will travel to Bangor in March to compete in the State SkillsUSA competition. His instructor, Mr. Keith Hart is impressed with Andrew because, “Andrew will always go out of his way to help someone and is always trying to better himself, which are great traits for success in the auto tech field.” Andrew currently works as a mechanic at Scotty’s Garage in Mt. Vernon. In the fall, Andrew plans to continue his education in automotive technology.