2023 October Professionals of the Month
Loralie Grady is a junior from Cony HIgh School enrolled in the Medical/Veterinarian Terminology program. She has enjoyed meeting other people in her class from different high schools that share her interest in the medical field, as well as having an instructor that has worked in the medical field. Loralie estimates that she has learned over 500 terms in just the first two months of class. She has put a lot of study time in to learn the terms. Her instructor, Mrs. Bethany Gilliam said, “Loralie is always ready for anything. She is very intelligent, driven to succeed and kind. She never misses an assignment and is usually first to turn things in. I am looking forward to seeing what she does with all the medical terms in the future. I am excited to share this smart, motivated and responsible student.” Loralie is busy year round with sports. At Cony, she is on the Cross Country, Indoor Track and Outdoor Track teams. She helps with Cony’s Community Closet and Food Pantry and has been a part of a team ensuring mental health access for all students. Next year, Loralie plans on taking the Nursing Assistant program and currently has the goal of becoming a labor and delivery nurse.
Emma Valley is a junior at Richmond High School enrolled in the Auto Tech program. She appreciated the program was so welcoming and feels she has learned so much already. She enjoys her classmates and is very interested in learning about automotive technology. So far this year, she has learned about tires, spark plugs, brakes and putting a car safely on a lift. Her instructor, Mr. Eric Thomson said, “Emma shows up every day on time and ready to learn. She pays close attention to details and is always safe and professional in the shop. It is rewarding to see her increase her automotive skills and knowledge each day.” Emma is a 3 season athlete at Richmond High School, playing soccer, basketball and softball. Next year, Emma plans to return to CATC for a second year in the Auto Tech program. She is amazed that people have already been reaching out to let her know that they would be interested in hiring her as an auto technician once she graduates.