Welcome to Capital Area Technical Center!
Capital Area Technical Center (CATC) is a Maine Career and Technical Education school. We offer a variety of programs that allow high school students to experience hands-on learning and acquire skills to help them prepare for their future. Students gain knowledge and expertise that can be applied in college or numerous pathways in healthcare, construction, technology, and many more.
Contact us to learn more about what CATC offers or to schedule a time to visit our school.
Follow CATC on Facebook and YouTube.
The Capital Area Technical Center offers career and technical instruction in the following Maine approved CTE programs in Auto Collision, Auto Technology, Business Academy, Building Construction, Certified Nursing Assistant, Computer Technology, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, EMT, Firefighting, Graphic Design, Law Enforcement, Machine Tool, and Plumbing and Heating. It is the policy of the Capital Area Technical Center not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its educational programs and its employment practices. If you have questions, have witnessed, or have experienced acts of discrimination based on these criteria and wish to express a grievance please contact our Title IX/504 Coordinator, Shelby Thibodeau, at (207) 626-2468 or shelby.thibodeau@augustaschools.org. ~Updated 06/2022